Thursday, March 31, 2011

My First Blog Entry!!! Exciting!

Everyone inquires about house seats. It has become a lifestyle. You are "it" if you can obtain house seats to an event. Whether it’s the hottest Broadway musical, a rock concert, a pop tour by one of the current sensations (Lady Gaga would be at the top of my list), or the restaurant that nobody can get into, media, VIPs, celebrities and arts leaders are on the hunt for house seats!

Touring North America for two years with the international sensation that is Caval-E-Yah, everybody asked me for house seats. Some people said please and others just figured they would get house seats. My blog, House Seats Please, begins my quest in exploring some of the best that the world has to offer. Getting you up close to talent in all its forms!
While touring with the show, I had the pleasure of working with 30 talented two-legged performers and almost 50 four-legged stars. For two years, I handled the PR in 13 cities across North America and had the chance to meet and work with some of the most inspiring people!
What’s your passion? I’m excited to share mine with you. 
Rule #1 in becoming "the" hot ticket: media, media, and more media. Get those cameras present. This taken from a recent press event!

Up close with Lolita the killer whale (Miami Seaquarium)

I had the chance to stay at The Little Nell in Aspen, CO. Probably one of the nicest hotels I have ever stayed at.
Media mogul Jay Leno.
On set with Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria.
House seats to see Wicked in Chicago. Amazing play.
Haiti tribute event with Emilio Estefan, Debra Brown, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.