Saturday, May 5, 2012

All Eyes on Rihanna...

There was so much hype about Rihanna’s new music video, Where Have You Been, and to be quite honest, I wasn’t expecting much. Lately, I have been seeing tons and tons of unoriginal and recycled choreography. It’s pretty uninspiring.

This past Monday, I watched her latest music video and didn’t think too much of it, but it did stay in my mind. The hype has been growing and judging by the more than 13 million people who have watched it, there is definitely something fantastic about it. It's quite beautiful. 

Upon a closer look and about a half dozen watches, I have become hooked on the song and the video. Rihanna definitely delivered on this video. So many fantastic details (set, costumes, choreography, and theme) that really showcase her true artistry, and of course, her team.

Here are some of my favourite moments of the video, but my absolute favourite part of the video is when Rihanna and her dancers make this giant eye.