Saturday, May 5, 2012

All Eyes on Rihanna...

There was so much hype about Rihanna’s new music video, Where Have You Been, and to be quite honest, I wasn’t expecting much. Lately, I have been seeing tons and tons of unoriginal and recycled choreography. It’s pretty uninspiring.

This past Monday, I watched her latest music video and didn’t think too much of it, but it did stay in my mind. The hype has been growing and judging by the more than 13 million people who have watched it, there is definitely something fantastic about it. It's quite beautiful. 

Upon a closer look and about a half dozen watches, I have become hooked on the song and the video. Rihanna definitely delivered on this video. So many fantastic details (set, costumes, choreography, and theme) that really showcase her true artistry, and of course, her team.

Here are some of my favourite moments of the video, but my absolute favourite part of the video is when Rihanna and her dancers make this giant eye. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.
In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.
In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.
And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."
- Michael Jackson

I will never forget where I was when Michael Jackson passed away in 2009. It was a few days after I packed up all my stuff and embarked on the incredible journey that was Cavalia, preparing for the premiere in Chicago.

When Cirque du Soleil announced that they would be preparing not one but two shows paying tribute to the King of Pop, I knew they would find a way to make the legend live on. They secured Jamie King to direct and choreographer extraordinaire, Debra Brown, would be one of ten choreographers to help shape this hybrid arena rock show.

A departure from Cirque’s traditional tented shows, The Immortal World Tour uses a live band and more than 70 performers to bring an incredible stage alive. The voice is that of Michael Jackson with live musicians and backup singers. I have to admit that throughout the show I was waiting for Michael to appear on stage, you could just feel his energy.  

I was curious to see the stage, lights, and acrobatic elements as this would be in an arena and a show that has to move every night or so. With regard to a tented show, it stays in a city for a few weeks and large-scale staging and props are secured without having to be moved frequently.

It is important to note that this was a dress rehearsal, so Cirque has 24 hours to work out the kinks for the world premiere tonight. Security was really tight on photos and I respected that. In truth, no photo can really do this show justice, you just need to go and see it.

Debra’s work did stand out! Not knowing which numbers she put together, it was going to be fun to see if I could guess. Some of the most beautiful moments of the show were choreographed by Debra. 

MY TOP 10:

1. Costumes: Incredible. Cirque really delivers here. My favorite was the use of these LED suits that light up in intricate patterns and amazing colors. Really beautiful on stage!

2. Dangerous (Debra Brown): The most beautiful woman on a huge pole set the tone for Dangerous. Everything about this number oozed Michael. Simply, HOT!

3. Scream (Debra Brown): Janet and Michael in the background with a troop of acrobats.

4. Hoop (Debra Brown): When the hoop number took over the entire stage, I immediately knew this was Debra’s work. Intricate aerial work with LED costumes – one of my favorite moments of the show.

5. Straps (Debra Brown): People don’t realize how hard this is (you have leather piercing into your arm while a couple does all sorts of moves suspended high above the stage). There was something special watching this with a  backdrop of Michael’s music.

6. Debra Brown: Having choreographed 11 Cirque du Soleil shows, this was just another example of her uber talent. She has dedicated her life to art of movement. Inspiring!

7. Jamie KingThere is a reason why he is the most sought after director. He also was once a dancer for Michael Jackson.

8. Band: All Michael’s hits were present, all brought together by musical director Greg Philliganes. The iconic BEAT IT electric guitar solo had two incredible musicians – electric violin/cello (a personal favorite) and electric guitar. Just awesome!

9. Staging / Props: A giant sequenced glove, elephants a la Lion King, metal aerial apparatuses in the form of different animal heads, a hot air ballon, and a massive tree…all gorgeous! The stage was always alive with movement.

10. Dancers: The spirit and essence of the show!

As with most shows, there are some kinks to be worked out. I wasn’t that impressed with the Thriller number. Some transitions from numbers need to be worked on. A live audience really does speak volumes in terms of feedback. It was apparent that the audience didn’t really know when to clap at certain points. The show is around two hours and with a “20-minute intermission” 10 minutes in, I would re-evaluate if and when there should be an intermission.

Overall, the show was filled with Michael’s positive messages of love, hope, passion, and making this world a better place.

A truly inspiring evening and a must see live event!

We must still dare to believe...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Femme de Spectacle

The Princess of Performance did indeed deliver! I guess that’s what happens when you combine an extremely talented woman with a wizard in the world of live entertainment, Jamie King (the Director of Britney’s Femme Fatale World Tour). I’ve seen countless shows done by King. After all, he is the go-to director/choreographer for such international superstars including: Madonna, Ricky Martin, Christina Aguilera, and of course, Britney. He’s currently in Montreal working on the highly anticipated CDS Michael Jackson show with its world premiere in Montreal at the beginning of October. Cannot wait!

I have been a Britney fan ever since she appeared on the international stage with her mega-hit Baby One More Time. Through the good and bad, I always believed in her and wanted her to shine because of the level of performance that she is capable of delivering to an audience.

The last time Britney came to town with her Circus tour, and I was getting ready to head out on tour. Coincidence, maybe! Fate, I like to believe so! A few months later, she included a horse in a new music video. I didn’t work with just one horse but over 50. Just a few signs I wanted to point out. Not sure what they mean, but I do hope Britney and I have the chance to work together someday.

I found that Britney was overshadowed by the circus acts during her 2009 visit to Montreal. She clearly played it a little safe, but it was to be expected given what she had been through. With the Femme Fatale tour, I saw her confidence return and her maturity shine. She has gone from a young girl to a woman through countless world tours, virtually growing up under the world’s microscope – not an easy task!

She performed most of her hits with new musical arrangements (minus my personal favourite, Circus) and a healthy selection of the strong tracks off her Femme Fatale album. It was a perfect mix!

Surrounded by incredible dancers, awesome stage and staging, stellar choreography, glittery costumes, lights, projections, smoke, and pyro…Britney put on a true pop spectacle that had every element to ensure a smile on the audience’s face, I know I did!

Britney opened the show to a screaming crowd, to which she replied "Bonjour, Montreal."

The awesome stage!

The stage was filled with movement and props. You didn't know where to look! I'm going to quote acclaimed choreographer Debra Brown here: "It's very important to keep the stage alive." Britney's elite team certainly did. 

Britney with some of her talented female dancers. 

Some arial work!

I love this shot. Clearly Britney is in shape. 

Another shot showcasing Britney's banging body! Oh yeah, they brought a car on stage complete with a stripper pole. Britney later gave Pauly D a lap dance. 

Britney in action. 

Straps. I've seen better. But an overall nice touch. 

A pop princess angel closes the show!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Janet Jackson: All For Montreal!

I have wanted to see Janet Jackson perform live for such a long time, and after my escapades at Heavy MTL, I was really looking forward to seeing her perform all her hits at the Bell Centre. I’m a fan for so many reasons: her voice, her dancing (wow!), her acting, her attention to detail (it’s all in the details), her drive, and her passion for what she does.  She is the embodiment of a talented star and someone that I respect immensely.
Janet is one singer that you definitely want to see live. She is known for her elaborate stage productions creating a virtual spectacle where her music shines with a backdrop of top-notch staging and art direction.
Upon doing some research about this particular tour, it became evident that it was less about the glitz and glam of a large-scale production, and more about connecting her music to the fans in an intimate setting.

With all this information, I wasn’t really expecting to be blown away by the stage, lighting, projections, screens, and costumes…and I was right. But everything was simple and it worked! The music stood out and the choreography was outstanding. Janet and her dancers did deliver – big time.

My favourite photo of the night!

I was able to capture some other amazing photos from the performance...

A nice tribute to her late brother Michael. Janet performed Scream. 

Seeing Janet tonight got me even more excited for Cirque’s new Michael Jackson show that is being directed by Jamie King.