Monday, August 1, 2011

Janet Jackson: All For Montreal!

I have wanted to see Janet Jackson perform live for such a long time, and after my escapades at Heavy MTL, I was really looking forward to seeing her perform all her hits at the Bell Centre. I’m a fan for so many reasons: her voice, her dancing (wow!), her acting, her attention to detail (it’s all in the details), her drive, and her passion for what she does.  She is the embodiment of a talented star and someone that I respect immensely.
Janet is one singer that you definitely want to see live. She is known for her elaborate stage productions creating a virtual spectacle where her music shines with a backdrop of top-notch staging and art direction.
Upon doing some research about this particular tour, it became evident that it was less about the glitz and glam of a large-scale production, and more about connecting her music to the fans in an intimate setting.

With all this information, I wasn’t really expecting to be blown away by the stage, lighting, projections, screens, and costumes…and I was right. But everything was simple and it worked! The music stood out and the choreography was outstanding. Janet and her dancers did deliver – big time.

My favourite photo of the night!

I was able to capture some other amazing photos from the performance...

A nice tribute to her late brother Michael. Janet performed Scream. 

Seeing Janet tonight got me even more excited for Cirque’s new Michael Jackson show that is being directed by Jamie King. 

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